Monday, October 27, 2008

WEND Magazine + Bikes To Rwanda

If you haven't had a chance to read the piece about BTR, written by staffer Anna Brones - it's in the newest issue of WEND magazine, a Portland-based adventure/outdoor/epic/chill/real-people type of periodical edited by our good friend Ian Marshall, then you should check it out on newsstands right now. You can find them online here. And pick them up nationally at these fine retailers.

Also, if you subscribe to this amazing read and use the code "BTR", Bikes To Rwanda will receive $ for each subscription! Thanks WEND.

Hope everyone is well and enjoying whatever weather mother nature is throwing your way. We're racing cyclocross out here in Portland and enjoying some sunshine. So go for a ride, surf, ski, skate or just take a walk for a change and read a good magazine when you get home.


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