General feedback brought us a great picture of what needs work and what is going very well as the Karaba bike shop reaches its
1 year anniversary in business!
Things are going very well. The mechanic that is dispatched for serious repairs works at a nearby village, making a trip in to the cooperative when needed. Safari is keeping separate accounts for parts and loan repayment, this seems to be the best scenario. Parts revenue is used to maintain parts inventory, and the loan repayment has been going well. In the past few months they have begun bike repossession on those loans that are in default. These bikes will be refurbished and sold at a discounted price.
Wear is showing that the rear wheels on these bikes are taking a beating. The weight being transported on the back rack is wearing down brake pads faster than perhaps anticipated. Farmers need to be aware that if pads are not replaced regularly, damage will occur to the rear rims and this will ultimately require replacement of the wheels.
This message is being distributed to farmers, and we are ramping up the availability of these replacement parts. The education and increased inventory proves to alleviate this issue.
Attended a preliminary planning meeting for a SPREAD sponsored Health Program that will be rolling out in coming months. I am interested to see if BTR can't be involved somehow. More to come.