Hey Sarah...
are you ready yet?

we're packing up the Prius,
we'll be blogging all the way.
BTR 2008 Road Trip
Episode 1... Norcalwe have an exciting trip ahead, check it out...
J U L Y 3
Portland to Eureka
pass the night Eureka
J U L Y 4
Eureka to Fort Bragg
Mendocino 4th of July activities, Thanksgiving Coffeetour
pass the night Fort Bragg
J U L Y 5
Breakfast event, Mendocino Bakery, hosted by Thanksgiving Coffee
Lunch Healdsburg, Flying Goat Coffee
to Napa
pass the night Napa
J U L Y 6
Ritual Napa event
pass the night Napa
J U L Y 7
Napa to Taylor Maid Farms
pass the night Santa Rosa
J U L Y 8
Strauss Family Creamery
to SF
pass the night SF
J U L Y 9
Blue Bottle
4 Barrel
Ping Pong for Rwanda, Ritual, Mission
pass the night SF
J U L Y 10
Pacific Bay Coffee, Walnut Creek
Davis for burritos
to Sacramento - Temple, Ride On event, bike poker run
pass the night Sacto
J U L Y 11
to Roseville, java J's
...head home! **drawing done in Minneapolis at Cafe Imports party