If you've been assembling any of that fancy, flat-packed Swedish designer furniture lately you may have ended up with a handful or drawerful of hex wrenches (Allen keys) in a number of various sizes-2,4,5,6,8mm. Coincidentally, they are the same sizes that we use to assemble and repair the BTR bikes. So, put them in an envelope or small box and mail them to us so that we can get them on their way to Rwanda! You get to clean out that junk-drawer and farmers get a set of hex wrenches to do on-the-fly maintenance and repairs.
Bikes To Rwanda
4110 SE Hawthorne #406
Portland, OR 97214
P.S. We should have some drop boxes throughout the city soon to make this a little easier. Refer to yesterdays post about bike shop tool donations, if you have a shop and want a BTR drop box email: info@bikestorwanda.com , "Tools" in the Subject line.